CEL About


CEL envisions a campus of student change makers who work to actively co-create caring and just communities.


CEL inspires and nourishes relational leadership practices that enrich communities through collaborative learning, service, and action.

CEL's work is shaped by our Beliefs About LeadershipPrinciples of Community Engagement, and our Leadership Identity ModelLearn more about these frameworks as well as how we categorize community engagement activities and make the connection between community engagement and leadership.


Imagine a better world. Make it happen.

Community Engagement & Leadership's (CEL) programs center community-engaged leadership. Community engagement is work that deepens people’s commitment to their community and the condition of their community. CEL believes the world should be a more just place for everyone and that we all must find our part in contributing to our communities. We believe that everyone's actions matter and that OSU students have the power to shape the world. Our leadership framework is asset and strengths-based, socially conscious, values-driven, and action oriented. We aim to foster leaders and change-makers. At CEL, we strive to create more healthy, caring, and equitable communities by engaging students in actively working to progress the community and world they want to live in. Join us!

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Student gardening
Accessibility & Inclusion

CEL strives to create inclusive, accessible activities that all OSU students can enjoy. If you have concerns or suggestions on how we can make programming more accessible, please contact Emily Bowling, CEL Director, at [email protected] or 541-737-7673.

To request accommodations related to disabilities for an event, please contact CEL: at [email protected] or 541-737-3041.

Student Experiences & Engagement

CEL is a department within Student Experiences & Engagement (SEE). SEE co-creates dynamic opportunities for students to explore meaningful involvement, strengthen their leadership skills and transform themselves and their community(ies).

SEE includes Community Engagement & Leadership, the Craft CenterDiversity & Cultural Engagement and Experiential Learning & Activities. These departments provide a broad range of programming that contributes to student development, including community building, social justice, student media, creative expression, service-learning, clubs and organizations, and social, educational, and culturally relevant programs.