Financial Info

Financial Info

Club funding is the policy and process of requesting funds from Clubs and Orgs. RSO funds are available for clubs who have an established index with OSU. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding funding. If you are requesting funding from another department, contact them to receive the necessary information.

club funding

SOA Grant Funding

Our office provides clubs and organizations with the opportunity to request funding on a as needed basis. These funds can go towards program and activity expenses, organizational development, travel and more. Funds for events can be requested through the Activity Plan/Report. All other funding requests can be requested through the Equipment, Supplies & Department Funding form. Both forms are located on the club Dashboard in Ideal-Logic.

(SOA grant funding for the 2023-2024 is currently being accepted)

soa grant funding sheet

soa grant funding sheet

Department Funding

Departments across campus are contact by clubs in order to receive financial support for their programs or activities. Some departments will have expenses directly billed to their index, others will want to transfer the funds to the RSO Index. We recommend that you contact the dean or department head before initiating a request in Ideal-Logic. Funds for events can be requested through the Activity Plan/Report. All other funding requests can be requested through the Equipment, Supplies & Department Funding form. Both forms are located on the club Dashboard.


Money Management

How you manage your funds is often dependent on your funding source. For funds that student organizations directly raise through dues, fundraisers, etc, the OSU provides access to a student organization index through Ideal-Logic.  For all other funding sources, contact the budget authority to identify appropriate use and documentation of money expenditures. 

Currently, only fully confirmed treasurers have access to the CORE, the reporting system for budgeted and actual financial activity by index. Please review the CORE - Student Club Officer Access knowledgebase article prior

Canvas Training Modules:

Fiscal Training 

Officer Training